To raise awareness about the current state of artists’ lives and livelihoods and advocate for concrete policy change, CRNY unveiled the Art Takes Work campaign in Times Square in New York City on January 15, 2025. The central film features six artists at work on their creative practice while discussing the countless non-arts jobs they’ve held in order to support themselves as artists. Excerpts of the film then ran for six weeks as advertisements on CTV (digital streaming channels) in households across New York State. In parallel, CRNY partnered with over a dozen arts service and advocacy organizations to drive a related social media campaign, where artists could amplify the message by sharing their own experience of what it takes to be an artist.
The campaign was designed to expose audiences to the work that being an artist requires, and to encourage stakeholders to call for labor, workforce, and safety net policies that would better support the creative workforce (and all workers) across the state. Links to the NYS Policy Playbook and sample letters to local and state elected officials made it easy for viewers to take action.
Watch "Art Takes Work"

Meet Our Campaign Partners
Outreach for this campaign was strengthened by a coalition of arts advocacy and service organizations across New York City and State, each of which is dedicated to supporting artists’ lives and livelihoods in unique ways. Learn more about each below.