Jocelyn Jones
Jocelyn is a dedicated language instructor of Onöndowa’ga:’ gawë:nö’ (Seneca) Language, having spent the majority of her adult life documenting and learning her critically endangered indigenous language from first-language speaking elders. Jocelyn’s experience in modeling, film and television work, and public speaking shines a much needed light on indigenous issues such as intergenerational trauma, cultural revitalization efforts, mental health awareness, human rights and environmental rights issues. As a Hodinöhšo:ni:h traditional dancer, Jocelyn’s love for her traditional songs and dances transcends to her audiences. With a strong connection to the natural world, Jocelyn is a practicing herbalist having formulated her own product line plant based products. Jocelyn continues to enjoy her first love of art, continuing to paint and draw in her spare time.