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Arts Advocacy Organizations Launch New Guaranteed Income Course - Creatives Rebuild New York

Arts Advocacy Organizations Launch New Guaranteed Income Course

January 16, 2024
Creatives Rebuild New York, CreativeStudy, and The GRO Fund

January 16, 2024  — A new course, launched today by Creatives Rebuild New York (CRNY), CreativeStudy,, and Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund (GRO), will spread awareness about the guaranteed income movement. The course “Everyone is Essential!,” which includes a mini-documentary and a learning module, places artists at the forefront of crucial economic security and guaranteed income conversations and educates viewers about guaranteed income as a tool to create a better and more sustainable future for all.

This course is part of a free Solidarity Economy Series from CreativeStudy made in partnership with Art.Coop. The course includes a four-minute 101-style learning module as well as a thirteen-minute mini-documentary. The mini-documentary takes place in Harlem’s Riverside Church where CRNY artists discuss their experiences with creating art while receiving no-strings attached cash payments. The course features artist and CRNY staff member Naja Gordon and GRO Narrative and Cultural Strategist Eshe Shukura who argue why guaranteed income is crucial to providing economic security to artists. They also dive into the history of unconditional cash payments in the United States and Guaranteed Income’s role in making our nation more economically just. 

“Across the country, artists face financial precarity, job insecurity, and hardship. We are proud that CRNY’s Guaranteed Income for Artists program has helped New York State artists meet their basic needs,” said Maura Cuffie-Peterson, Director of Creatives Rebuild NY’s Guaranteed Income Program, “and we hope this course will shed light on the history and definition of guaranteed income, its relationship to financial justice, and what unconditional cash can do for us all.” 

“Guaranteed income ensures that artists’ needs are met through no-strings attached cash payments. Providing communities and creatives more financial stability opens the door for more art and community action. This directly aligns with the solidarity economy movement, which celebrates our inherent worth,” said Heather Bhandari, co-founder of CreativeStudy.

“Guaranteed income is an evidence-based solution to address poverty and the racial wealth divide by providing individuals with a financial floor to cover basic needs. It’s a solution that has been piloted across the country—that gives communities the opportunity to thrive,” said Eshe Shukura, Cultural and Narrative Strategist at GRO. “Educating others on the importance of guaranteed income is how we continue to build awareness for this solution; we are excited to continue this work with these great organizations.” 

We can all benefit from learning about guaranteed income and the real impact it can have on all of us. Far too many communities in this country are struggling to make ends meet, and guaranteed income can help alleviate those financial hardships. To sign up for this course visit: